World Mastercard Fashion Week Toronto (2012) Part 4: Stephen and Kirk of Greta Constantine

By on November 21, 2012

Interview with Stephen and Kirk of Greta Constantine

Flashback to the Wednesday of World Mastercard Fashion Week, main lobby. You probably noticed the models, voguers and other performers working up a storm. This fun and fresh presentation was put on by designers Stephen Wong and Kirk Pickersgill of the label Greta Constatine in partnership with 5Gum, where they presented a special collection known as 5 Black. The collection was celebrated as it captured the image from both the Greta Constantine and the 5Gum brand.

Toronto City Gossip had the opportunity to ask Stephen and Kirk a few questions about this special event.

1. How did you come up with the concept for this event?

K: Part of why our partnership with 5 Gum was so seamless, was because of their team’s willingness — or better put, commitment — to do something that was unexpected. During brainstorming, the idea of a flash fashion activation piqued everyone’s interest. A sense of both surprise and excitement would serve as the perfect mood to highlight both the uniqueness of the partnership but of the 5 Black Collection, too.

2. What made you decide to collaborate with 5 gum?

K: We were excited by the opportunity to partner with a brand outside of fashion. The potential felt limitless in that respect. Importantly, both 5 Gum and Greta Constantine share many characteristics, including a passion for the unexpected and sleek, forward thinking design.

3. How would you describe the style of the 5 gum consumer?

S: The 5 Gum consumer is daring, fashion-forward, and bold.

4. Where do you get your inspiration?

K: Everything that we create is developed very organically. As creatives, we’re never sure where the next idea will come from. That being said, we’re thrilled that they keep coming!

5. What do you enjoy most about being a designer?

S: The opportunity to make women, or men for that matter, feel confident, empowered. Fashion has such an incredible role on mood, personality, and even career prospects. To be able to produce a such an impact is an incredible feeling.


About JuliaToadere

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