All posts tagged "Personal Training Toronto"
Top 5 Ways To Slim Down For Summer!
Summer may seems like it’s far off in the distance but before you know it you’ll be peeling away your winter layers to reveal that bikini body. This is the best time to start training hard, fine...
- Posted April 4, 2013
TRX Training at In-Body Training
If you stay on the fitness carousel long enough, you’re bound to hear about TRX training: a suspension workout that leverages your bodyweight and gravity to perform a multitude of exercises. Olympians, the U.S. Military and Navy...
- Posted December 16, 2012
Herciniarts Collective
After a long trying day at work, a break-up, or just a bad day in general, most of us have considered running away to join the circus at least once. As ludicrous as the idea might seem...
- Posted May 25, 2012